Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Literature Circles With A Twist...

This week instead of doing our normal Lit. Circles, we worked with a partner. This was called "Literature Circles With A Twist...". This blogpost will answer three questions about Lit. Circles with a twist; What are the benefits of working with a class mate? What are some challenges/obstacles which you overcame? And what new understandings have you gained about the novel? These are the questions that my blogpost will answer.

The first question was what are the benefits of working with a class mate?. There were two main benefits; that you didn't have to do all the work by yourself and that you had somebody that correct your work and give you suggestions. The first benefit was that you didn't have to do all the work by yourself. On the 2nd trimester we had to do twice the amount of work for Lit. Circles, since I could usually finish Lit. Circles in one day I struggled a bit with time management on the first Charlotte Doyle Lit. Circle. On the 2nd Lit. Circle I did a lot better, but when I had a partner it was easier. The 2nd benefit was that somebody was correcting your work and helping you make it better. My partner was really helpful and gave me lots of ways to improve my Lit. Circle. These are the benefits I got from Lit. Circles with a twist.

The second question was what are some challenges/obstacles that you overcame? We really didn't have any obstacles or challenges. My partner Sol was dependable and we worked well together. We both finished our own work and corrected eachother's, so in the end I think that we both had done great work. There weren't any obstacles or challenges that me and Sol had to overcome, and I'm really happy that she's my partner.

The third question was what new understandings have you gained about the novel? Well since I've read the end of the book, I know that Zachariah didn't die. This was confusing since he was wipped untill he was just hanging there and that the men of the crew were seen having a funeral. It was a bit unrealistic that an old man would have survived such a harsh wipping in his condition, but then again Zachariah couldn't die because of his importance to the story. Now I realise that the men mudst have nursed him back to health and that it couldn't have been Zachariah in the hammock. This is the new understanding that I gained about the novel,

This blogpost has answered three questions. They are; What are the benefits of working with a class mate? What are some challenges/obstacles which you overcame? And what new understandings have you gained about the novel? I hope that this blogpost has taught you more about my experience with Lit. Circles with a twist.

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