Thursday, November 4, 2010

Lit Circle Blog Post

Literature circles is something we do in groups of four, discussing the book, which in my case is The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyle by Avi. This blog post is going to answer three questions, they are; "How does your discussions help you understand the novel?", "What are some connections that I made during your discussion?" and "What are some predictions that I have made?". As you read my blog post, you will start to understand more about Lit Circles and more about how they help.

My first question was "How does your discussions help you understand the novel?". Discussions help me understand the novel for of two main reasons, the first one was because I get to hear other people's opinions about it and the second one was because if you get confused by anything, it usually comes up in the discussion and then you understand it better. So my first reason was that I get to listen to other people's opinions and hear what they think. For example, the questions people ask can really put you in the characters and make you wonder how hard it would be to do what the characters in the books Ado.My second reason was because your discussions usually answer any questions you have about the book. Sometimes it gets a bit confusing and you don't exactly understand what's happening, when this happens, chances are that somebody else had or has that question so your question will probably be answered. This is how I chose to answer the question "How does your discussions help you understand the novel?".

My second question was "What are some connections that I made during your discussion?". This discussion, I only got one connection which was that Sol's passage of when Charlotte overheard Mr. Keetch arguing with Mr. Grummage saying that Charlotte shouldn't bee on the ship. I did not choose this passage as one of the two passages I did, when Sol talked about her passage, I made a connection. Because I remember almost choosing this as one of my passages. I would pick this passage because of one main reason, because it makes you want to keep on reading the book and that is the thing that a good book is supposed to do to you, that is the power that an author possesses; the power to keep you reading. This is the connection I had to the recent discussion.

My third and final question was "What are some predictions that I have made?". The main prediction that I made was that the ship was dangerous. There were three signs leading up to this prediction they were; the porter refusing to carry Charlotte's bag to the Seahawk, Mr Keetch and Mr. Grummage arguing about whether or not Charlotte should stay at the ship and the third and most important sign was Zachariah giving Charlotte knife. So in the first sign, the porter refuses to carry the bags to Captain Jaggery's ship. He said that he didn't want to go near anything to do with Captain Jagerey, this sign proved that Captain Jaggerry can't be the nicest person on Earth. The next sign was Mr. Keetch and Mr. Grummage arguing about whether or not Charlotte should stay at the ship. There had to be a reason why Mr. Keetch didn't want Charlotte on the ship and he even warned, and it wasn't to scare her off, just to warn her. this was a sincere warning it had to mean something. The final and concluding sign was when Zachariah gave Charlotte a dagger for her protection. There had to be something that she would need to be protected from and later in the book, we(the readers) will find out what. Using these signs, it is easy to predict  that there is something dangerous about the Seahawk.

The tree questions that I answered were; "How does your discussions help you understand the novel?", "What are some connections that I made during your discussion?" and "What are some predictions that I have made?". Answering these questions have made me realize how much Literature Circles help you understand the book and help you think so much about what you read.

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