Saturday, March 12, 2011

The Giver... #2... :P

Why does The Giver say that making choices would be frightening for people?

This question intruiged me, that is why I wanted to further explore it.

We make choices every day, what to eat, what to wear, what to say, to name a few. Most of these don't scare us, they might exite us, but not scare us. Our choices affect us, they don't only affect us though, they can affect the poeple around us and the place or area in which we live. But we know to learn from our mistakes and not to repeat them. But imagine if you never had to make a choice, never made a mistake, how would you react if you suddenly got this new ginarmous responsibility? Would you be able to live through it if you were exposed to this new feeling? I know I would be freaking out. It's something like finding out that animals could talk, but much worse.

But is it a bad thing to have a choice? With the guidance of the Giver and Jonas, wouldn't the society be able to survive. I think they would. The Giver before this Giver and the Giver before that and so on, must have taught each other about the memories of true life, so they can probably teach an entire community. This would be more challenging though. Humanity must have changed drastically to become the Utopia it is in the story, so who says we can't change back? I think we can change back, but there will have to be some consequences, bad ones. People who couldn't get used to this way of life, might have wanted to give up living.

As a prediction I want to see what would happen if I was going through this. My life having been perfect from the start, never have to worry about what would happen. Everything being planned. Not knowing any better, I would be content with this way of life. I would be very scared if Jonas and The Giver suddenly introduced this new way of life. But I would go through it with my parents and friends and with the help of Jonas and The Giver it would go ok. But I'm not sure if I would prefer having choices or not. Adding choices makes life harder, more challenging, different. But knowing our current way of life, I say it's worth it.


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  3. This blog is extremely well done! I like how you portray your ideas using an excellent variety of word choice. Also, you explained your opinion very clearly. You supported your statement of why you think this by making a few connections. (Talking animals etc.) I recommend you re-check the blog for spelling and punctuation mistakes. .I did see a few errors in there. Also, a few quotes wouldn't hurt. Other than that, good job!
