Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My New Year's Resolutions?

Just a heads up, my blog post is split up in two parts; the first half is about my New Year's Resolutions and the second half is about my... my unusual Christmas.

My first resolution would be to get the next belt in Tae Kwon Doe. I really want to go to the next belt and I think that after a few practices I will be able to go confidently to the test and pass with flying colors. It is kind of scary to perform your test in front of the ENTIRE Tae Kwon Doe class, so you have to know what you're doing. It will be nice to advance a belt because it shows that I have greatly improved since I first started with almost no    knowledge of Tae Kwon Doe. Tae Kwon Doe is about improving your discipline and athletic ability, it's a great sport and it's really fun. 

My second resolution would be to get a bit more responsible. I've lost a lot of electronics such as ipods and phones and it's a waste of money and I want to stop this routine of losing things. I've never been really responsible, in elementary school I lost my ID card like SEVEN times and I've lost quite a few library books. I also sometimes forget to feed my dogs and Kathleen or my mom have to feed them. As I've gotten older I've become more and more responsible, I'm happy to say. I'm not straight out irresponsible, I guess I'm just forgetful and and I hope to stop this in 2011.


Every Christmas since I was born have been spent in Norway. That's why it was a huge shock that my parents decided to go to Sri Lanka for Christmas and spend it with my grandmother. Not that I didn't want to visit her, just that I didn't want to spent Christmas away from Norway. Something that's kind of weird about Christmas in Norway is that we celebrate it on the 24th instead of the 25th. My Norwegian Christmas was spent first in a one hour drive, then a three hour flight and then a twelve hour drive. Not exactly how I usually spend Christmas. When we  got home we, my parents Kathleen and my big sister Kristin, were so tired we went straight to bed.

When we woke up, we started decorating the Christmas tree we bought on the way to my grandmother's. My dad had bought some weird looking decorations and it ended with me, Kathleen and Kristin having to go and by some new ones. Well buying decorations in Jaffna is NOT easy. We had to looke through several stores before we could find some nice decorations. After we bought the decorations, we bought a lot of candy that we were going to give to an orphanage later on. We also bought my grandmother's friend's children, a four year old boy and  a seven year old girl(I forgot their names), some Christmas presents. They were spending Christmas with us. We bought a doll for the girl and for the boy we bought a GIGANTIC toy car. Everyone was staring at it as we walked out of the shop(they didn't have a bag big enough for the car. )Christmas eve. We woke up slightly earlier then usual and went to the orphanage. Well we visited two orphanages. The first one was an all girls orphanage but it was also kind of like a home less shelter(all woman's, ofcourse). My dad had also brought a long some footballs and we knew that they were not going to be played with a lot. It ended with us giving them some candy and donating some money and then going in search of an orphanage that we could give the footballs to. We found an all boys orphanage and we decided to give it to them. The boys were really happy and it made me feel good to have helped make someone else's christmas better. Well after that we ate some roast chicken with rice that our grandmother had prepared and waited for the younger children to come. They came and had some food and then we started opening presents. You should have seen their faces. They were so happy and started playing with their toys right away. Not so long after gift opening Santa Claus(my dad) came and handed out smarties to everyone. Though Christmas was different this year, it was still great and I enjoyed it.

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