Saturday, October 16, 2010

The Very Short Diary of a Mudskipper Called Felix

 You don't get how hard it is to be a mud skipper, again and again these things happen. Some people think that all we do is lay around in the mud, well some of us do but not me. Let me tell you about the worst experience I ever had with these gigantic creatures. I really thought I was doomed and worst of all, it was all my sister's fault.

Thursday 14th October 2010: Worst Day Ever

I was sleeping peacefully in my mud patch happily dreaming about my favorite food, crickets, when I heard an unfamiliar voice yell "Were being attacked!" I woke up and looked around crabs scattered about eyes wide with terror. "Not again" I groaned. Crabs were such drama queens. I lazily got up moaning and grumbling as I went into hiding. I wanted to get a good view because even though these creatures were annoying, they were quite amusing. I thought I was going to burst out laughing sometimes at their idiocy. They didn't have the strength or were fast enough to get out of the mud and some of the idiots fell flat on their faces! This wasn't common but if it happened this time, I would be there to see it.

Then they came, stumbling and falling every where. All of them were stuck now and my friends started giggling. My sister, Lia, was getting closer to one of the creatures. "Get back here" I hissed. If they caught her,I shuddered, they might but her into a glass bowl or worse. What was she doing? Lia was getting closer to the creature, to close for comfort. Had she gone mad? Then I remembered, yesterday night I dared her to touch one of the creatures the next time they came. I could have bit myself for saying that. Was she really that stupid? Yes, yes she was. I was going to slither after her when I hesitated, it would be easier if my obnoxious sister wasn't around but she was my sister. I sighed and I knew I was going to regret it but off I went to my death. I was doomed.

I slithered towards the creature, towards Lia. I was going to go get her back but when the creature saw Lia, it screamed. Lia screamed too and so did I. Then I realised this would be my only chance to get Lia back. I slithered as fast as I could, grabbed my screaming sister and yelled. "Slither for your life" and we went off together. "Thanks" she said and I just smiled. She might not have been the smartest mudskipper around, but she was my sister and I... I love her.

Me and my sis

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