Monday, August 16, 2010

I want to be an...

I would love to be an archaeologist because it just sounds so interesting, going through old artifacts and exploring cave paintings. You never know what you might find when you go exploring, maybe the tomb of an ancient king, a mysterious temple... who knows? Can you imagine the trill? Your heart beating faster and faster climbing up the hard, stone stairs to the ancient temple that can contain all the information we needed to fill the gaps in ancient history. As you walk into the first room you see things beyond your wildest imagination, everything from gold to precious gems. As you walk closer and closer into the room you discover the tomb of an ancient pharaoh. Who's tomb was this? What happened here? How was this place built? Archeologist have answered all these questions, they reveal the secrets of humanity and that's why I "want" to be an archaeologist. 

One of the reasons that I feel I would be a a good archaeologist is that I'm hardworking, a trait all archaeologists should have. Being hardworking means that I would be a great help during expeditions. It would also help because to be an archaeologist you need to think fast and and decide quickly.There are many events in that you might need to think quick for example on an expedition, many things might happen, you might realize your digging in the wrong spot or find out that there is no temple were you'r looking. This is why being hard working is an essential trait in archeology. This is one of the reasons I would be a great archaeologist. 

Another reason I would be a great archaeologist is that I'm a fast reader and can remember a lot of what I read, so I could remember facts and other things I need to know about whatever project I'm working on. It would also help me translating ancient scripts and other writings. You never know what can't kind of drawings and symbols you'll find when you go inside a cave or in the desert Being able to read fast and understand what you read is a must-have ability that all archaeologist must have, which is another reason why I would be a good one.

Archaeologists need to be compassionate about their work, their just can't be an archaeologist that doesn't care. He or she might have to spend years and years collecting specimen and if you're not compassionate than you just won't succeed in archaeology. You have to be patient and have a keen eye for detail and that is just a way to be compassionate. I can always be compassionate if something is important to me, and that would really help me be a successful archaeologist. It's not easy being an archeologist, there are many things you need to have and be to be a good one, but I think the most important trait of all is compassion.

And this is why I would be a great archaeologist.


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