Monday, February 20, 2012

Prey, Target... Victim

"Some people say that what makes a person a victim is they have limited or NO options about how to act." The word victim is a generally broad term as it applies to many different people and circumstances, so this is one of the simplest definitions I've ever heard. I thoroughly agree with the quote as it defines many situations in which there has been a predator and prey. These situations can range from playground bullying to a cold-hearted murder. One of the greatest cases of victimization would be the great amounts of anti-Semitism that occurred in Germany, better known as the Holocaust.

Imagine being a Jew during Germany's dark days, your home destroyed, your places of worship, demolished. Worst of all, seeing your friends and family being taken away, encaged in places so dark you never even imagined there could be something like them. Firstly, you scream at the people to leave, right? Or tell them that they should have left a long time ago, but that wasn't as easy as you would think. Leaving Germany before the Nazis went out of control, was hard. Not only did you have to give up everything you had, but you could only leave if you could pay the restitution. This meant only the rich jews could leave. Furthermore, after plenty of Jews had left the country, there then came the question of where to go. Sadly, a lot of countries closed their gates to outsiders, meaning, they would not let the Jews enter the country. Now the option of leaving has been crossed out, so where did that leave the countless Jews trapped in Germany? You would tell them not to be bystanders, to have them stand up for their rights, but not a single Nazi or storm trooper would even hesitate to kill a Jew that had broken the law. What law? The new law put in by Nazis, curfews and restrictions. Now what do you do? You could get killed for your religion, but what about your family? What are they going to do?

Choices were stripped away from the Jews, the only thing they could was wait to be placed in a concentration camp, constantly living in a fear for their own lives. They had nowhere to go, they had nothing to do. This is what truly made all the Jews involved with the Holocaust, pure victims.


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