Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Giver

Would you want your future to be decided by others ? Why or Why not?

To answer this question, I am going to go through the positive and negative parts of having your future decided by others, just to get a perspective of the differences.

Firstly, the positives of having your future decided by others. The positive side to this is to not be worried of choosing wrong. For example, someone I am very close to. First said she wanted to be an interior decorator, so she did all the subjects you need to do for that in High School. But when she graduated she realized her passion was photographic journalism. After a while of exploring this subject, she dropped out because she knew that this was not for her. THEN she decided to be an anthropologist, a person who studies different cultures. But again her chosen subject did not work out and she moved on to medicine. Now she is finishing her medical degree. Can you imagine how look it took for her to find out that her true calling was medicine? If her future had been chosen for her she would not have to go through this entire process and she would have saved lots of money and time.

Now, to explore the negative sides of having your future decided by others. The only really negative side I can think of is if they choose wrongly. Let's say you wanted to be an artist your entire life, but when your future is decided, you get picked to be a lawyer. You do really well in Law, but you would have been an AMAZING artist. You're talent would be wasted. And what if you would die to be an author but you get picked to be a circus clown, then you would hate every moment of the rest of your life. Okay, that was a bit of an over exaggeration. Maybe you would love circus clowning, who knows? The point is you didn't get to be what you wanted and that's just sad.

After evaluating both of these I'm still not sure. Having the responsibility taken of you sounds great. If you don't like what you become and being able to blame it on someone else would be pretty fun. It would be their fault not yours. On the other hand, what if they pick wrongly. There would be nothing you, or anyone else for that matter, could do about it. Choice over. Done. In conclusion, I think I would rather like to make my own mistakes, than have someone else do it for me.


- http://www.twisterdisplay.com/Custom/Clown%20Easy%20Dunker.gif


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